Event Emergency Response Team (EERT)

Emergency situations can arise at any time and in any place.  Whether it is a large-scale natural or weather-related disaster, fire, acts of violence, terrorism or pandemic, accident, illness, or death. 

A meeting or event organizer has no greater responsibility than to ensure the health and safety of their attendees. IEEE is here to help Organizers prepare, respond and recover from any emergency.

When an emergency situation occurs, you may have only moments to respond, and the actions taken can have a significant impact on the event as well as the organization.  Having the right set of plans in place that can help you act swiftly to mitigate that impact is critical.


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Event Emergency Response Team (EERT)

EERT is IEEE’s centralized event emergency preparedness hub, offering strategies, best practices, and resources for all IEEE global events. EERT will assist organizers in minimizing the impact of emergencies on event performance, safety and well-being attendees, and organizational reputation.

EERT offers event organizers:

  • Guidance on planning for a wide range of emergencies
  • A centralized decision-making structure to facilitate an orderly and effective response
  • Expert advisement and guidance through a crisis
  • Coordination with internal IEEE groups (legal, corporate communications, risk management)
  • Facilitation of communications about the emergency
  • Ability to bring in additional resources as needed

How to Report an Incident or Concern

Should you have an issue of concern* for your event, follow these steps of action:

  • Step One: Ensure the safety and well-being of individuals
  • Step Two: Send an email to eert@ieee.org with your concern
  • Step Three: Call Dedicated IEEE Event Emergency Support (24/7)
    • +1 844 975 4333 (U.S. and Canada)
    • +1 732 562 6756 (Elsewhere)

Together, we will create a working strategy that defines the decision-making process, chain of command, and ultimate response to the issue.

*Handling Concerns Involving Legal Issues/Law Enforcement

If you are approached by any law enforcement authority related to IEEE business, the authority should be referred to the IEEE Legal and Compliance Department prior to responding on behalf of IEEE.

Email: compliance@ieee.org

Website: https://legal.ieee.org/

How to Prepare

It is critical for your event to have an emergency action plan with well-documented protocols to swiftly respond in a time of crisis.  Having a well-thought-out, detailed plan is an important part of emergency preparation. IEEE MCE is pleased to provide this template for your use and provides a framework for developing an emergency response plan for your event. 

Suggested Courses

We recommend the following courses in the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE).  First, use your IEEE Account to log in to the CLE and then click the View Course link to go directly to the recommended course.

Event Crisis Management: Protecting Your Conference in Uncertain Times

Step 1: Log In

Step 2: View Course

We Are Here to Help

For general inquiries about IEEE’s event emergency preparedness program, contact the MCE team.