General Guidelines

Guidance for developing safe, secure, and inclusive conferences

Creating Safe & Welcoming Environments

All attendees should feel welcome and included at your conference. A safe and positive environment encourages attendee participation, fosters collaboration, and builds community at your event.

Attendees attentively listening to presentation

Modeling Conference Excellence

Event Emergency Response Team (EERT)

Be ready for possible emergencies at your event

IEEE Event Conduct & Safety Statement

Learn the IEEE credo for conferences, events, & meetings

Promoting Inclusion

Make all attendees feel included at your event

Accessibility Guidelines

Ensure that all attendees have access to your conference

Ethical Guidelines & Policies

Learn IEEE guidelines for ethical and professional behavior

Concur Expense & Concur Travel

Ensure fiscal transparency

Childcare at Conferences

Find guidance on offering childcare at your conference

Additional IEEE Resources

Find additional IEEE resources including the IEEE App and IEEE Collabratec

Other IEEE Policies & Guidelines

Learn about GDPR, IEEE Event Terms and Conditions, and more

Resources & Tools

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Quickly find what you need in our searchable downloads repository.